The OSSAA offers the following guidelines to ensure safety of all, schools may choose to implement all or any portion of these guidelines at the local school district’s discretion. The situation surrounding COVID-19 is fluid and adjustments may need to be made.
During each phase each person, each day of attendance in each activity must complete a COVID-19 Screening form. Vulnerable individuals should not oversee or participate in any workouts during any phase.
On June 1, 2020 coaches may have face-to-face contact with secondary level students using the provisions provided below. No team practice is permitted. No camps, clinics, or leagues may be conducted. Strength and conditioning is permitted.
INDOORS WEIGHT ROOM - Each person entering the facility must have their temperature checked upon arrival. Any indi
- Each person entering the facility must have their temperature checked upon arrival. Any individual with a temperature registering 100.4 degrees or above must not be permitted to stay
- Hands must be washed or hand sanitizer used prior to entering the facility and touching any equipment
- Locker rooms and/or restrooms if opened must be sanitized before use and at the conclusion of the workout
- 2 people maximum on any one piece of equipment
- Spotters must wear a mask or cloth face covering
- Social distancing requirements must be followed; the total number allowed in a weight room must comply with social distancing requirements (exception: a spotter should be permitted to safely spot)
- Any equipment used including weights, balls, bats, helmets, etc. must be disinfected appropriately with use
- No shared hydrating bottles, towels, gloves, or any other personal equipment is permitted
- Coaches or other supervisory adults must wear a mask or cloth face covering
- Each person entering the facility must have their temperature checked upon arrival. Any individual with a temperature registering 100.4 degrees or above must not be permitted to stay
- Hands must be washed or hand sanitizer used prior to entering the facility and before beginning any drills or handling of equipment
- Locker rooms and/or restrooms if opened must be sanitized before use and at the conclusion of the workout
- Social distancing guidelines must be followed
- No shared hydrating bottles, towels, gloves, or any other personal equipment is permitted
- Any equipment used to include weights, balls, bats, helmets, etc. must be disinfected appropriately with use
- No scrimmaging or one-on-one
- Coaches or other supervisory adults must wear a mask or ...