Happiest of weeks, Buc Nation!!This is our final full week of school, so various things are happening. Student Council has a meeting on Monday to discuss several things about the coming school year as well as to sign the constitution.The awards assembly will take place on Tuesday in the event center. Several people, including those with scholarships, will be honored at this assembly.Teachers and students alike are preparing for finals, which will be Monday and Tuesday of next week. Several students are exempt from finals due to a high grade and lack of absences, but this is measured by each class.The weekend many have been awaiting and many have been dreading is finally upon us. Graduation is on Saturday. The valedictorians for the class of 2024 are Sam Anderson, Regan Campbell, and Adynn Ronald, who succeeded at maintaining their 4.0 grade point average throughout their high school careers. With many shining stars in the graduating class, the community can certainly agree that they will go many places with those brains!Hooray for the end and new beginnings!