Plans for the Kay County Republican Convention are being announced by Kay County Chairman John Happ. The Convention will be held at 10 a.m. - 12:00 noon on Saturday, March 7th. The location of the meeting is located at the First Lutheran Church Assembly Hall, at the corner of 4th and E. Liberty St. in Ponca City.
Tonkawa High School Principal Kyle Simpson and Grade School Principal Kelly Martin have been rehired for the 2020-21 school team, it was decided at the recent monthly meeting of the Tonkawa Board of Education.
The Tonkawa Film Festival will include a film that introduces the audience to Austin Crawford, a Milford, Illinois man battling Multiple System Atrophy (MSA).
The IOOF Cemetery is in need of donations to continue operation of the cemetery, Garry Davis announced this week. Brent Bailey is caretaker. Donations can be sent to P.O. Box 121 with checks made to the Tonkawa Cemetery for upkeep.
The Stolhand Family aka “Lost Then Found” consists of Matthew, Cork, Mallory, Jaelyn and Caeden Stolhand. The family will be appearing in concert at 6:30 p.m. Saturdayl, March 7, at the Ponca City Gospel Jubilee.
Time/Dreams/Perception featuring the work of Oklahoma-based artists Lanny Fiegenschuh, Sarah Ivey, Patrick Riley and Summer Scott is currently on view in the Eleanor Hays Art Gallery on the Northern Oklahoma College Tonkawa campus, according to gallery director Audrey Schmitz.