As if we don’t already have enough laws on our books, Oklahoma legislators have decided we need at least 3,100 more.Yes, our state representatives filed about 1,960 proposed laws and resolutions, while our state senators filed about 1,140 of them.But have no fear, only a fraction of these bills will likely become law because December and January of each year is the legislative period that I unaffectionately call “political silly season.”Political silly season, mercifully, is a short but brutal period when legislators unveil all sorts of cockamamie ideas aimed at further stripping Oklahomans of their freedoms or attempting to insert governmental “assistance” in areas that we’re doing perfectly well without it.Each year, without fail, Oklahomans are unlucky enough to bear witness to a parade of bills that would be hilariously funny if it were April Fools Day. Sadly, it’s not a joke when state lawmakers are wasting taxpayer resources filing ludicrous proposals they actually believe in or – more likely – hope will score them cheap political points.For instance, please raise your hand if you’re participating in robotic cockfighting.Anyone?House Bill 1326, filed by a Republican, seeks to legalize fighting real roosters against robotic ones as long as the live cock doesn’t get hurt.Uhm. I’ve never been to a cockfight, but isn’t incapacitating a rival rooster the whole point? Isn’t that why the sport is viewed as so barbaric it’s classified as a felony in our state? I guess I know which bird my money will always be on.Then there’s a Republican measure proposing that we rename the Department of Corrections the Department of Corruption.I could see changing the name to the Department of Punishment because traditionally legislators have favored policies that lock people up for inordinate amounts of time with little interest in rehabilitating them, leading to some of the highest incarceration rates in the nation.But if the Department of Corruption gains traction, I can only imagine how conversations would go behind the walls of our prisons.“I’m with the Department of Corruption, and I’m here to shake you down, twerp. Hand me all your commissary funds.”Speaking of convicted felons, we have another Republican lawmaker who has filed legislation seeking to protect President Donald Trump’s so-called “constitutional right” to vote in Oklahoma. According to a press release from the legislator, the point of the bill is to “send a clear message that every American, and especially the president of the United ...